Please list your requirements in as much detail as possible. An informal diagram, or an engineering print of the process or instruments that require temperature control, will enable us to more accurately determine your needs.

*required fields




    (Describe your application, add any relevant information, such as; fluid requirements, accepted wetted materials, displays required, safety devices, facility water capabilities, etc.)

    Note: If currently using facility water, we can calculate the cooling capacity and size the chiller by supplying the temperature of the water going into the process instrument and the temperature of the water returning back from the process instrument. Also, supply the flow rate of the facility water.

    Applicable Conversion Factors:
    Temperature: °C=5/9* (°F-32), and °F=9/5°C +32
    Pressure: 1 lb/in2 =2.307 feet of water = 6.848 KPa
    Power: BTU/hr = 0.2931 Watts = 0.2520 Kcal/hr